Interregionale innovatie-investeringen voor het testen, demonstreren en opschalen van innovatieve oplossingen op basis van zeewier/algen en het opbouwen van ecosystemen. KU Leuven
The I3-4-SEAWEED champions interregional collaboration aimed at scaling, demonstrating, and ensuring market readiness of business ventures within the macroalgae/seaweed sector. Combining the strengths of innovative SMEs, universities, tech hubs, and industry clusters, the project envisions a transformative, transnational value chain rooted in new sustainable seaweed cultivation techniques and algal biotechnological applications. As an ...
EOSC-hub: Integratie & beheer van diensten voor de Europese open wetenschapscloud Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Uitbouw Infopunten duurzame digitale innovatie - Howest HOWEST
Vertiports HOWEST
Open network of hyper connected logistics clusters towards Physical Internet (CLUSTERS 2.0). Universiteit Antwerpen
Interreg EMR project 'IMPACT' Universiteit Hasselt
Europese Federatie van datagestuurde innovatiehubs KU Leuven
EUHubs4Data will set up a European federation of Big Data Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), with the ambition of becoming a reference instrument for data-driven cross-border experimentation and innovation, and support the growth of European SMEs and start-ups in a global Data Economy.
Based on the concept “European catalogue, local offer”, EUHubs4Data will establish a Europe-wide, sustainable ecosystem drawing upon local expertise and ...
Innovatieve, kleinschaliger voedselverwerking in een doos KU Leuven
The unique FOX approach will research and develop innovative, small scale technologies in mobile or flexible processing units for different applications for small and medium enterprises and farmers in the fruit and vegetable sector in Europe. This will stimulate the transition from a centralised industry to regional hubs that employ innovative, flexible and sustainable technologies based on seasonality and demand. By this, FOX meets ...
Vlaams-Nederlandse samenwerking tegen desinformatie, voor en door factcheckers, mediaprofessionals, wetenschappers en andere experts KU Leuven
The vast amount of conspiracy theories and disinformation that coexist alongside genuine information threatens an open, well-functioning and pluralistic information ecosystem that is key to effectively functioning democracies. Most research on fact-checking and disinformation has neglected the Dutch and Belgian setting. Yet the rise of political polarisation, misconceptions about COVID-19 and migrant communities, and declining trust in media ...