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Pastoral Accompaniment for Patients with a Severe and Enduring Psychiatric Disorder: A Theologically grounded Framework
The research project aims to develop a theological framework grounding pastoral accompaniment for persons with a severe and enduring psychiatric disorder. This research is important for three reasons: 1) because it supports the persons in their proces of giving meaning to existential experiences, 2) there is a need for a more patient-centred, contextual andrefined framework 3) the group we study is vulnerable and struggles especially with existential questions. The outline of the research is as follows. First, a qualitative empirical research explores the current practices of pastoral accompaniment by an analysis and comparison of structured interviews with persons with a severe and enduring psychiatric disorder and with pastors. Secondly, a thorough theological study of literature provides ideas, key concepts, nuances, pitfalls and criticism towardsa view on pastoral accompaniment for persons with a severe and enduringpsychiatric disorder. Consequently, a theologically open and adequate framework will be designed, based on the discussion of the outcome of both empirical research and literature study. This framework consists of a theoretical foundation and methodology for pastoral accompaniment. Afterwards, a consultation with experts by means of a Delphi research and an Expert seminar is set up to validate the design of the framework. Finally, the framework is reworked and refined to accommodate the pastoral accompaniment for persons with a severe and enduring psychiatric disorder.
Date:1 Oct 2010 → 30 Sep 2014
Keywords:Enduring Psychiatric Disorder, Pastoral
Disciplines:Theology and religious studies
Project type:PhD project