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Biomedical MRI KU Leuven


Biomedical MRI: Hydrogen, carbon, fluorine, phophorus and sodium Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy studies of metabolic pathways and kinetics in the liver, the heart and the skeletal muscle; in vivo, in perfused organs and in isolated cells. - Design of multinuclear NMR radiofrequency coils for simultaneous observation of various nuclei. - Signal processing and quantification for accurate determination of metabolite ...

Translational MRI KU Leuven

The Translational MRI research group performs state-of-the-art in-vivo human MR research in neuro, cardiac, oncologic and various other domains. In addition to state-of-the art hardware, software and applications, it provides collaborative resources to support the design, implementation, acquisition and analysis phases of MRI investigations. In collaboration with multiple in-vitro and animal imaging departments, it provides translational ...