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Adam Lukawski

  • Onderzoeksexpertise:Music composition, music theory, algorithmic composition, machine learning and blockchain technology for music, experimental music, music performance, musicology, history of music, history of art, criticism and theory
  • Trefwoorden:Muziekcompositie, Muziektheorie, Algoritmische muziekcompositie en analyse, Machine learning, blockchain
  • Disciplines:Muziekcompositie, Sonische kunsten, Muziek niet elders geclassificeerd
  • Onderzoekstechnieken:Creative research, practice-based research through music composition and analysis, experimentation, philosophical enquiry, technology development, digital music theory, transdisciplinary research, interdisciplinary research
  • Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:Artist researchers, music composers, sonic artists, music performers, music philosophers, music theorists, transdisciplinary researchers, interdisciplinary researchers