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Ebru Akgun

  • Onderzoeksexpertise:

    Ebru is conducting a doctoral research in political science and sociology, both at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and UAntwerpen - with the supervision of Dave Sinardet and Anne Bergmans. Her research investigates different ways of nationalisms being produced by political and media elite in the post-disaster scenes. She is also working at BIBM as sustainability policy analyst. Previously, she worked in Turkey, Brazil and Belgium at different institutions dealing with political affairs and sustainability. She holds a BA degree in Political Science and Public Administration and part-time conservatory degree in Music from Bilkent University, Turkey. She obtained MSc degree in Sustainable Development from KU Leuven, Belgium, and she also studied Social and Cultural Anthropology at the same university. She speaks fluent Turkish and English - as well as upper intermediate Dutch, intermediate French and German and beginner Greek and Portuguese.

  • Trefwoorden:Politieke en sociale wetenschappen
  • Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:

    Ebru is conducting a doctoral research in political science and sociology, both at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and UAntwerpen - with the supervision of Dave Sinardet and Anne Bergmans. Her research investigates different ways of nationalisms being produced by political and media elite in the post-disaster scenes. She is also working at BIBM as sustainability policy analyst. Previously, she worked in Turkey, Brazil and Belgium at different institutions dealing with political affairs and sustainability. She holds a BA degree in Political Science and Public Administration and part-time conservatory degree in Music from Bilkent University, Turkey. She obtained MSc degree in Sustainable Development from KU Leuven, Belgium, and she also studied Social and Cultural Anthropology at the same university. She speaks fluent Turkish and English - as well as upper intermediate Dutch, intermediate French and German and beginner Greek and Portuguese.