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Christophe Vanroelen

  • Onderzoeksexpertise:

    Work-related health risks and socio-economic differences in health.

    Job Quality

    Precarious employment

    Future of work ; new forms of work and employment

    Financial accessibility of healthcare – vulnerable categories in the healthcare system (Belgium). Socio-economic differences in health – 

  • Trefwoorden:Politieke en sociale wetenschappen, Sociale gezondheidswetenschappen, Algemene en logistieke diensten
  • Disciplines:Sociologie van werk, Sociale epidemiologie, Sociologie van gezondheid, Sociologie van sociale klasse, Sociaal beleid, Epidemiologie, Economische sociologie
  • Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:

    Work-related health risks and socio-economic differences in health.

    Job Quality

    Precarious employment

    Future of work ; new forms of work and employment

    Financial accessibility of healthcare – vulnerable categories in the healthcare system (Belgium). Socio-economic differences in health –