Ayoob Davoodi
- Disciplines:Robotica en automatische controle, Biomedische signaalverwerking
- Robotica, Automatisering en Mechatronica (RAM) (Afdeling)
Vanaf21 jun 2021 → Heden
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- Functioneel nauwkeurige robotica voor toepassingen in wervelkolomchirurgieVanaf22 jun 2021 → HedenFinanciering: Eigen Middelen zoals patrimonium, inschrijvingsgelden, giften, ....
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- Autonomous Robotic Ultrasound Approach for Fetoscope Tracking by Fusing Optical and 2D Ultrasound Data(2024)
Auteurs: Yuyu Cai, Ruixuan Li, Ayoob Davoodi, Mouloud Ourak, Jan Deprest, Emmanuel Vander Poorten
Pagina's: 7573 - 7580 - An Approach for Collaborative Robot-Assisted Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy(2024)
Auteurs: Giovanni Battista Regazzo, Ayoob Davoodi, Yuyu Cai, Ruixuan Li, Emmanuel Vander Poorten
Pagina's: 1 - 7Aantal pagina's: 7 - Ultrasound-Based Robot-Assisted Drilling for Minimally Invasive Pedicle Screw Placement(2024)
Auteurs: Ruixuan Li, Ayoob Davoodi, Maikel Timmermans, Kaat Van Assche, Orçun Taylan, Lennart Scheys, Gianni Borghesan, Emmanuel Vander Poorten
Pagina's: 818 - 828 - Bioinspired Design and Control of BATEX, An Exosuit With Biarticular Compliant Actuators(2024)
Auteurs: Ayoob Davoodi
Pagina's: 1352 - 1362 - Development and Evaluation of Robot-Assisted Ultrasound Navigation System for Pedicle Screw Placement: An Ex-vivo Animal Validation(2024)
Auteurs: Ruixuan Li, Ayoob Davoodi, Yuyu Cai, Gianni Borghesan, Emmanuel Vander Poorten
- State-of-the-art of non-radiative, non-visual spine sensing with a focus on sensing forces, vibrations and bioelectrical properties: a systematic review.(2023)
Auteurs: Maikel Timmermans, Ruixuan Li, Ayoob Davoodi, Emmanuel Vander Poorten, Kathleen Denis
- Robot-assisted Ultrasound Reconstruction for Spine Surgery: from Bench-top to Pre-clinical Study(2023)
Auteurs: Ruixuan Li, Ayoob Davoodi, Yuyu Cai, Gianni Borghesan, Emmanuel Vander Poorten
Pagina's: 1613 - 1623 - A Comparative Study for Control of Semi-Automatic Robotic-assisted Ultrasound System in Spine Surgery(2023)
Auteurs: Ayoob Davoodi, Ruixuan Li, Yuyu Cai, Gianni Borghesan, Emmanuel Vander Poorten
Pagina's: 303 - 310Aantal pagina's: 7 - An Augmented Reality-Based Interaction Scheme for Robotic Pedicle Screw Placement(2022)
Auteurs: Viktor Vörös, Ruixuan Li, Ayoob Davoodi, Emmanuel Vander Poorten
- From a biological template model to gait assistance with an exosuit(2021)
Auteurs: Ayoob Davoodi
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